OSG Websites of interest - Office of the Surveyor General


Websites of interest

South Australian Property and Planning Atlas (SAPPA) is a free map-based application. You can use it to view land administration boundaries and get information about the ownership of land.

South Australian Integrated Land Information System (SAILIS) provides up to date information about land and property in South Australia.

Location SA allows you to search and display a range of government data on a road or satellite base map.

Data.SA contains open datasets released by South Australian Government agencies and local councils.

PlanSA is a one-stop destination for planning in South Australia, including tools, information and updates on our planning system.

Surveyors Board SA is responsible for the training, licensing and registration of surveyors in South Australia.

Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping provide leadership through coordination and cooperation in surveying, mapping and charting.

Foundation Spatial Data Framework (FSDF) LINK (Location INformation Knowledge Platform) is an online platform containing Australian Foundation Spatial Data.

South Australian Government Gazette is the official publication of the South Australian Government, a weekly record of proceedings by the state local government authorities.

Land Services South Australia is the exclusive service provider to the South Australian Government for a range of transactional land services and property valuation services.

State Records hold archival records from state and local government in South Australia.

We acknowledge and respect Aboriginal peoples as the state's first peoples and nations, and recognise them as traditional owners and occupants of land and waters in South Australia. Further, we acknowledge that the spiritual, social, cultural and economic practices of Aboriginal peoples come from their traditional lands and waters, that they maintain their cultural and heritage beliefs, languages and laws which are of ongoing importance, and that they have made and continue to make a unique and irreplaceable contribution to the state. We acknowledge that Aboriginal peoples have endured past injustice and dispossession of their traditional lands and waters.