OSG About us


About us

The Office of the Surveyor-General is a business unit of the Land & Built Environment Directorate delivering a range of diverse functions and services including:

  • cadastral surveying instructions and guidelines
  • monitoring compliance with survey instructions
  • maintaining survey mark infrastructure to determine boundary locations and accurate geodetic positioning
  • administering geographical place names
  • opening and closing public roads
  • maintaining the state’s addressing database
  • approving land division applications
  • land tenure searching and mapping for Native Title determination.

The Surveyor-General is the primary government authority on property boundaries and land tenure, and regulating boundary surveying in South Australia. The Surveyor-General’s key legislative responsibilities are to: 

The Surveyor-General plays an important governance role as a member of:

Explore the history about the Surveyor-General.
See other websites of interest.
Brochure of the Office of the Surveyor-General
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Bradley Slape, 
Surveyor-General of South Australia

Contact us

General enquiries
Business hours: 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday
Phone: (08) 7133 2300
Email: DTI.OfficeSurveyorGeneral@sa.gov.au
Postal Address: GPO Box 1815, Adelaide SA 5001

Survey enquiries
For survey mark enquiries or EDM Calibration bookings
Phone: (08) 7133 2300
Email: DTI.SurveyOperations@sa.gov.au

Geographical names
Phone: (08) 7133 3026
Postal Address: Office of the Surveyor-General
Geographical Names Unit
GPO Box 1815, Adelaide SA 5001
Email: DTI.PlaceNames@sa.gov.au

Phone: (08) 7133 3024
Email: DTI.Addressing@sa.gov.au

Roads (opening and closing)
Phone: (08) 7133 3022
Email: DTI.RoadOpeningClosing@sa.gov.au

Planning services - Land division applications
Phone: (08) 7133 3030
Email: DTI.PlanningServices@sa.gov.au

We acknowledge and respect Aboriginal peoples as the state's first peoples and nations, and recognise them as traditional owners and occupants of land and waters in South Australia. Further, we acknowledge that the spiritual, social, cultural and economic practices of Aboriginal peoples come from their traditional lands and waters, that they maintain their cultural and heritage beliefs, languages and laws which are of ongoing importance, and that they have made and continue to make a unique and irreplaceable contribution to the state. We acknowledge that Aboriginal peoples have endured past injustice and dispossession of their traditional lands and waters.