SA’s wine exports flow past $1.5 billion

19 Aug 2024
South Australia’s wine industry is celebrating continued export growth as wine exports reached $1.56 billion in the year to the end of June 2024 (up 19.3 per cent), with exports to China increasing by 8,081 per cent to $344 million, with $137 million of wine exports in June alone.

The growth in wine exports comes following China’s lifting of tariffs earlier this year. China is now South Australia’s top wine export market. Hong Kong is the state’s second largest wine export market, valued at $251.2 million (up 32.35 per cent), followed by the United Kingdom, valued at $230.5 million.

South Australia contributed 67 per cent to the total value of Australian wines exports, which reached $2.32 billion (up 14.65 per cent).

China remains an important two-way trading partner for South Australia with merchandise exports the highest on record at $4.23 billion to the end of June 2024.

The South Australian Government recently announced two support packages for the wine and seafood sectors – a $1.85 million Wine Exporters China Re-Engagement Support Package to help the South Australian wine sector to re-engage with the China market following the Chinese Government’s decision to lift tariffs imposed on Australian wine; and a $475,000 Seafood Export Growth Program that will support the South Australian rock lobster industry to re-engage with the lucrative China market as soon as trade restrictions ease.

South Australia’s merchandise exports were valued at $17.56 billion in the 12 months to June 2024, with exports to China valued at a record $4.23 billion, up 55 per cent year-on-year. The United States market is valued at $2.12 billion, up 33 per cent and Malaysia is valued at $1.13 billion.

For further information about the Wine Exporters China Re-Engagement Support Package, visit